Walter Lee Younger, the son of a Lena Younger and the wife of Ruth Younger, believes independence means being successful and free from poverty when the play starts. In his mind, the insurance check that the family is receiving from the death of Big Walter is supposed to be his ticket to independence, and he plans to spend it on buying a liquor store with two of his friends. After Lena spends a portion of it on a new house and the rest of the money is stolen by one of his friends, his mind changes. Originally, he gives away the rest of the money, even though his mom said some of it was supposed to be for his sister, because he believes that he can escape poverty and be independent this way. However, when Willy Harris crushes his dream by running off with the money, he eventually realizes what independence really means to him. Being independent means being able to stand up for what he believes in, even if it’s not what the majority agree with. He does this when Mr. Lindner comes over for the second time, with the intention of making a deal with the family. Walter Lee is seconds away from giving in and taking the money when Lena reminds him what his ancestors have gone through to get him his freedom. Finally, he realizes that he’s already independent because he isn’t in a position where he has to let the majority control him. Therefore, he tells Lindner he won’t throw all of that away, and the family moves into the house even though it’s in a white neighborhood where no one wants them. Similar to Hester and Jim, Walter defines independence for him without being influenced by outside
Walter Lee Younger, the son of a Lena Younger and the wife of Ruth Younger, believes independence means being successful and free from poverty when the play starts. In his mind, the insurance check that the family is receiving from the death of Big Walter is supposed to be his ticket to independence, and he plans to spend it on buying a liquor store with two of his friends. After Lena spends a portion of it on a new house and the rest of the money is stolen by one of his friends, his mind changes. Originally, he gives away the rest of the money, even though his mom said some of it was supposed to be for his sister, because he believes that he can escape poverty and be independent this way. However, when Willy Harris crushes his dream by running off with the money, he eventually realizes what independence really means to him. Being independent means being able to stand up for what he believes in, even if it’s not what the majority agree with. He does this when Mr. Lindner comes over for the second time, with the intention of making a deal with the family. Walter Lee is seconds away from giving in and taking the money when Lena reminds him what his ancestors have gone through to get him his freedom. Finally, he realizes that he’s already independent because he isn’t in a position where he has to let the majority control him. Therefore, he tells Lindner he won’t throw all of that away, and the family moves into the house even though it’s in a white neighborhood where no one wants them. Similar to Hester and Jim, Walter defines independence for him without being influenced by outside