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Selection Tool Pen Tool Pencil Tool Rectangle Frame Tool Rotate Tool Shear Tool Eyedropper tool Button Tool Hand Tool Fill Control Direct Selection Tool Type Tool Line Tool Rectangle Tool Scale Tool Free Transform Tool Gradient Tool Scissors Tool Zoom Tool Swap Fill & Stroke (arrow) Stroke Control Format Affects Text Apply Gradient Apply None Preview Mode Direct Selection Tool - Selects only the content of a frame, selects individual items within a group without having to ungroup, also reshapes frames Type Tool** - Adds or edits text Line Tool - Adds linear elements to the page; use stroke palette to determine thickness Rectangle Tool** - Creates shapes for graphic or text areas Scale Tool - Enlarges or reduces page elements *Should not be used to resize photos or art Free Transform Tool - Scales or rotates an element Gradient Tool - Creates gradients within the document Scissors Tool - Splits a path, graphic frame or empty text frame Zoom Tool - Enlarges a specific area of the document Fill & Stroke switch arrow - Changes out fill and stroke buttons making the foreground active Stroke Control - Adds color to a line (stroke) Formatting Affects Text - Formats all text in selected frame Apply Gradient - Applies gradient to selected element Apply None - Removes gradient Preview Mode - Shows page as it will actually look Adobe InDesign Toolbar
Format Affects Container Apply Color Normal View
Selection Tool - Selects and moves items on a document, resizes frames by selecting anchor points Pen Tool** - Creates custom free form picture areas or shapes Pencil Tool** - Draws free form lines or shapes Frame Tools** - Draws picture areas Rotate Tool - Rotates selected element Shear Tool - Slants selected element to the left or right Eyedropper Tool - Samples color from a photo or graphic, duplicates an attribute from one element/text to another Button Tool - Not used for yearbook production Hand Tool - Moves the document about the