Cited: 2009 Navdanya Trust Sen, Amartya. The Argumentative Indian: Writings on Indian History, Culture and Identity. Penguin Books Ltd. 2005 Verma, S.N. Poverty In India. DPS Publishing House. 2011 The World Bank:Working for a World Free of Poverty. Yardley, Jim. Published: July 9, 2010. In India, Castes, Honor and Killings Intertwine. pagewanted=all&_r=0 Rural Poverty Portal.The International Fund for Agricultural DevelopmentRural Poverty in India. Vaswani,Navin.11/21/2012.India 's Unforgettable Poverty.The Inside Agenda Blog PACS Our Rights, Our Voice.TB: A disease of poverty.
Cited: 2009 Navdanya Trust Sen, Amartya. The Argumentative Indian: Writings on Indian History, Culture and Identity. Penguin Books Ltd. 2005 Verma, S.N. Poverty In India. DPS Publishing House. 2011 The World Bank:Working for a World Free of Poverty. Yardley, Jim. Published: July 9, 2010. In India, Castes, Honor and Killings Intertwine. pagewanted=all&_r=0 Rural Poverty Portal.The International Fund for Agricultural DevelopmentRural Poverty in India. Vaswani,Navin.11/21/2012.India 's Unforgettable Poverty.The Inside Agenda Blog PACS Our Rights, Our Voice.TB: A disease of poverty.