India is already in the race for becoming the next super power.
Economic Growth
The ongoing economic revival has kicked Indias pace of growth. Its economy is the driving force for its success. In the coming years, Indias GDP is expected to grow over seven percent which has never happened in India right from the time it got independence.
Even thought 40% of its population lives under the poverty line, the country maintains an effective democratic rule. Indias commitment towards democracy is its main pillar of strength. A nation of more than billion people effectively follows the worlds most open system of government. It gives a lot of stability to the countrys economic situations.
The US stands to benefit from an increased foreign investment in India as well as in its educated young population. However Indias growing economic, political and military power will have deep implications on
US foreign policy. In next 10 years Indias economy is thought to take over Britains economy and by 2040 it would be the worlds third largest economy. According to Keith Suther, senior fellow, Global
Business Network Australia by 2050, India can take over China and United States of America as a main global economic force.
The Prime Minister, Mr. Manmohan Singh has worked very hard to change the face of this country. The Indo-US civilian nuclear agreement or commonly known as
Indo-US nuclear deal was