Dravidians- descendants of early people
Modern Families are Nuclear while there Traditional is being an extended family
Holi- arrival of spring
Diwali- feast, fall
Sari- worn by women draped around the body
Salwar- lon flowing trousers worn by unmarried or young girls
Kameez- long blouse
Dhoti- worn by men wrapped between legs
Pajama- formal wear
Loincloth- worn by poor farmers
Sambar- Southern dish like dal with lentils
Dal- Porridge
Chapattis- thin, flat bread
Cricket- favorite sport
Stupas- dome shaped monuments of Buddhism
Frescoes- wall paintings on plaster caves
Panchayat- elected elders
Chula- clay oven
Castes- Social group status
4 Main groups are the:
Bramans- Priests and scholars, highest group
Kshatriyas- rulers and warriors
Vaishyas- merchants
Shudra- Artisans and laborers
Taj Mahal- built as a tomb for Muntaz Mahal
Mahabharata and Ramayana- 2 great epics
Panchatrantra- oldest collection of Indian fables
Bhakti- social religious movement
Castes are not limited to India. They may be found in one form or another in most nations today. In Europe, the royal families traditionally were a separate caste from the peasant farmers, tradesmen, and other classes. Only rarely were "commoners" allowed to become members of the royalty. In North America, one's race or ethnicity is often a caste identity. Most black, white, or other Americans do not have the option of waking up tomorrow and deciding that they will be a different race. Society generally will not allow them to do it. While race is greatly a socially and culturally constructed reality rather than a biological one, it is still a reality just the same in North America and in much of the rest of the world as well.