I, Nehru, am before you all today despite being imprisoned for three years for the strikes and demonstrations in 1942. Thankfully, I have been released by the British just in time for the Simla Conference and am here to express not only concerns on behalf of the Indian National Congress, but my own concerns for India. I hope you can all listen and truly contemplate whether what I am about to say is what is best for India. First and foremost, India needs to stay united; we must do all in our power to make this happen. Not only must we stay united, we must learn to coexist effectively in this great nation we call India. The Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians and the Untouchables must coexist to make India a strong, united nation. I realize many of you may be fearful of this, but the INC itself demonstrates that cultures can coexist as one. For example, I myself am Hindu, and Maulana Azad is Muslim. Despite our cultural differences we have goals in mind for India and we cooperate to achieve our common goals. We have made coexisting work on a small scale, but with everyone’s effort, we can make it work on a large scale. We must work together because a united India is a strong India, and all Indians should want that. Also, India needs to be not only a united nation, but an independent one. The British need to leave India now and turn over the government buildings and apparatus to Congress for us to begin our march into the future. Our future can begin only by the British leaving now and India becoming a much more prosperous, industrious place. We must think more scientifically and adopt the benefits of science, technology and industrialization to become a more prosperous nation. I believe wholeheartedly in ending the poverty that has stricken this nation for years, and that science, technology and industrialization are the building blocks for achieving this. Without this industrialization and without a modern…