In the poem by “Sherman Alexie” talks about how a man left his culture and grew distant from his native culture just to find a culture that suits him better. For example, the text says “ Indian women, forgive me. I grew up distant” (11-12). The quote explains how he grew up distant meaning growing up he decided to leave his culture because he wanted something better for himself but by doing that he forgot all about his native ways. By saying this it reveals in a way when immigrants come to the U.S. they are leaving their culture behind and by doing that they are shaping a better one but they are not only shaping a better culture for themselves but for the American culture as well. An …show more content…
For instance, in his essay, it states “I come to you as a man with many cultures. I come to you as Chinese” (29-30). This quote just explains how Rodriguez came from many cultures and left them because he believed that either one of them was right for him until he found the one that suited him the most which were Chinese. This statement by Rodriguez relates to immigrants shaping American culture in a way when immigrants come they do not usually come with one culture but with many depending on their parents but when they come to the U.S. they bring their different traditions from their