The Indian Car Industry
Shyamala Mathan Sankar
A Dissertation presented in part consideration for the degree of MA Marketing.
Consumer Perception of Global vs. Local Brands: The Indian Car Industry
Key words: Consumer Perception, Global brands, Local brands, consumer preference, Country-of-origin, foreign brand, globalness, Consumer ethnocentrism.
This study examines consumer perception of global brands vs. local brands in the
Indian car industry. Consumer brand perceptions have substantial implications in
Marketing. The study explores and understands consumer perceptions of global and local car brands in India by accomplishing the secondary objectives. The secondary objectives were achieved by highlighting the factors that effect consumer preference for global brands; by examining the effects of country of origin on consumer perceptions of global brands and local brands; and by studying the effects of consumer ethnocentrism towards global brands.
For creating a deep understanding of consumers’ insights of global car brands against local car brands, qualitative approach was adopted with an in-depth and semistructured interview process. Interviews as a qualitative tool helped the researcher to uncover individual’s covert feelings and emotions towards perception of global brands vs. local brands.
The findings of the study advised that the consumers who possessed global car brands, preferred their car brands due to factors such as global presence, worldwide reputation, and quality of being a foreign make. Prestige or status had a very little or no influence in their preference for global car brands. Consumers made favorable
Consumer Perception of Global vs. Local Brands: The Indian Car Industry
perceptions of the country, wherein they tend to associate factors such as superior quality, technical advancements, modernization, etc…to the country
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