In Malaysia, there is an abundant of Indian restaurants and food stalls to wet your appetite. They are traditionally served on a thali, a circular metal tray on which a number of smalls bowls called katori, also made from metal, are placed. Eaten with fingers, rice or bread are placed directly on the thali while curries and other dishes are served in the bowls. For South Indian cuisine, banana leaves are often used as plates where rice is served in the center, followed by various curries and accompaniments around it. These include dried fish, pappadams (lentil wafers), fresh chutneys made from herbs, coconut, and acid fruit among others.
Local Indian hawkers have created unique versions of local dishes, which are not found in India. For example,”mee goreng” is a combination of fresh Chinese yellow noodles, tofu, bean-sprouts, and dried shrimp paste. Malaysia also abounds with shops offering“Nasi Kandar”, which is basically a combination of Malay and Indian cuisine-hence very Malaysian-although the taste is more robust. This concept came about when”nasi” (rice) hawkers would previously”kandar” (balance a pole on the shoulder with two huge containers on both ends) their wares.
Bread is the main item in most meals in North Indian cuisine.Therefore, a wide variety of bread is offered at these restaurants.Naan (leavened bread with poppy seeds)is a popular choice. The bread dough is rolled out and then slapped on the inside of the tandoori, near the top where it cooks very quickly in the fierce heat. It is then flavored with onion or garlic.Paratha or it’s localized version of Roti Canai, meanwhile, is rich, flaky, and flavor with ghee. It can be eaten as an accompaniment or by itself, filled with potatoes and peas.Chapati is leavened bread. It resembles flat discs and has a delightful flavor and chewy texture.Murtabak is stuffed Paratha based dough, which has a Meat, vegetables and egg in it.
Tandoori dishes are the most popular main courses in