Among all the types of furniture used, office furniture segment is the one that boasts the most important companies, both from the point of view of size and of the technological innovation of the production. The furniture industry employs a total of around 300,000 workers.
Foreign trade picture with regard to furniture is not very impressive. In 2000, India ranked 48th among furniture exporters and 49th among importers. This situation can be explained by he high import duty applied, and on the other hand, from the low technological level of Indian companies and the local tastes and traditions that influence the style of the products offered, making them difficult to export.
According to data for index of industrial production, as many as 14 of the 17 two-digit industry groups have shown positive growth during the month of January 2005 as compared to the corresponding month of the previous year. However, Wood Products; Furniture and Fixtures' have shown a negative growth of 16.7%.
Wood and Wood Products, Furniture and Fixtures" carry a weight of 27.01 % in the total MANUFACTURING SECTOR. This category has however shown a decline in recent some years.
The visible consumption of furniture is estimated to be 15 USD per year per inhabitant but this average hides wide variation in populations and in cities.
Usually, a manufacturer or a craftsman has his own store(s) where he presents products or imported furniture. Consumers choose in the store or order bespoke furniture.
India presents a favourable outlook to sell furniture and one expects the furniture industry to grow further in the coming years. Two important reasons for this are:
First India's large size and;