encountered in Asia? The British and Dutch were both militarily and economically stronger than the Portuguese. They quickly over took and displaced the Portuguese. The British focused on India, while the Dutch focused on Indonesia. The British were largely excluded from the rich Spice Islands by the Dutch monopoly. They established three major trading settlements in Bombay, Calcautta, and Madias. They secured their trading posts with Mughal authorities or local rulers. The British mostly focused on Indian cotton textiles. The Dutch controlled the shipping and production of cloves, cinnamon, and mace. They seized control of a number of small spice-producing islands, where they forced people to sell only to the Dutch. If the people did not obey, their crops were destroyed. As a result of these actions the Dutch profits soared, but the local economies were shattered.…
The Indian Ocean trade was dominated by China and India. Their technological and industrial advantages put them ahead because they were able to produce good faster, cheaper, and better than anyone else. On the other hand, Europe and mainly Spain fell short of Asia’s advances. Europe was generally self-sufficient, “For Europe draws from Asia nothing of solid use; only materials to supply luxury…” as in Document 8 states, Europe had no urgent necessity to participate in trade. During the late 1550’s Spain’s rulers were trying to conquer Europe, which lead to wars within the continent. Europe remained handicapped and did not have much impact in the Indian Ocean trade, aside from wool and firearms with Africa. It seemed as though they benefited…
European involvement in Asian commerce was motivated by a number of factors, including the desire for tropical spices, Chinese silk, Indian cottons, rhubarb, emeralds, rubies, and sapphires.…
Both the Chinese and the Portuguese sought involvement in the Indian Ocean trade but each group used methods that juxtaposed each other. The Chinese had a lot of goods that those involved in the Indian Ocean trade routes desired. On the other hand, the Portuguese did not really have any goods to trade; no one needed iron pots or the wool clothing that they produced. This led the Europeans to take a different approach; since they could not trade in the way others could, they had to use coerce their way in. Their methods involved the conquest of various Indian Ocean nations and therefore it was much more abusive than the ways of the Chinese. Following the descriptions of Malacca, Ceylon, and Hormuz as found in personal accounts by Ma Huan and…
4. In what ways did China contribute to the growth of trade in the Indian Ocean between 500 and 1500 C.E.?…
Between 1000-1700 world trade patterns changed due to the discovery of the Western Hemisphere, and the decline of the importance of land routes. However, one world trade aspect that stayed the same was the importance of the Indian Ocean Basin and the spices that were found there.…
Portuguese Navigation: Because china did not feel the need for overseas expansion and the gov’t ended support for long distance maritime expeditions; it feel to Portuguese to take advantage of new techniques of sailing & navigation to begin exploring the Atlantic.…
The Indian Ocean region trade had many changes and continuities between 650 and 1750 CE. Economically, Indian Ocean trade stayed the same with its spread of goods from region to region, but changed because of the ways goods were traded along this trade route. Culturally, the Indian Ocean trade stayed the same because of that same continuous spread of ideas and religion, and changed because of the diffusion of the religions already dominant in regions. Politically, the Indian Ocean trade stayed the same in the sense that it flourished while under the control of strong empires, and changed because of the variation of empires that controlled the region throughout this time period.…
Although the silk road and the Indian ocean trading network both diffused religions,technology,and the transfer of goods. However the silk road supported a strong state for defenses, primarily traded in luxury goods that did not benefit the common man, different religions diffused on each of the trade networks as well. The indian ocean network on the other hand dealt in the trade of bulk goods such as timber and spice’s. The indian ocean network was also never controlled by one large group. The Indian ocean network was often not considered a relay trade where one group gave the goods and the other side received them,but on the silk road the trade was continued one group gave goods to another and then they traded that for something else with…
The role of trans-Atlantic trade and Great Britain’s mercantilist policies in the economic development of the British North American colonies in the period from 1650 to 1750 was to create the colonies into self-sufficient areas of living. Triangular trade within the United States, Great Britain, the West Indies, and Africa helped to distribute and/or import and export essential factors. The theory of mercantilism is “that a state should be as economically self-sufficient as possible” and it stipulates that in order to build economic strength, a nation must export more than it imports. The mercantilist policies of Great Britain were rules and regulations that every country and colony participating in the trans-Atlantic trade had to abide by. These rules helped build a firm ground for those countries and colonies, like the British North American colonies that were trying to become financially dependent on themselves.…
Environmental factors determined the roles played by the various areas and peoples that participated in the Indian Ocean trading system. The environment is not always how people want it to be, so people have to adapt to it. Sea navigating and traveling was controlled by the environment. People have to build stronger and more durable ships so that the ships can withstand the high tides and hurricanes that…
1. The Coming of the Europeans into India (1600-1757) – The lure for trade and profit brought many trading companies to India. The trade –cum-political corporation called the English East India Company came to India and gave an expansive touch to India’s national commerce. It opened new markets for Indian goods in Europe and thereby increases the export of Indian manufacturers and encourage their production. This is the reason why the rulers tolerated and even encouraged the establishment of the Company’s factories in India.…
India’s marine product exports have for the first time crossed $2 billion, according to official figures for financial year 2009-10 released.…
India was a hub of trade in the pre-modern world, and it exported textiles and spices in return for gold and silver from Europe. Many different foods such as potatoes,…