Exim Bank’s Occasional Paper Series is an attempt to disseminate the findings of research studies carried out in the Bank. The results of research studies can interest exporters, policy makers, industrialists, export promotion agencies as well as researchers. However, views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Bank. While reasonable care has been taken to ensure authenticity of information and data, Exim Bank accepts no responsibility for authenticity, accuracy or completeness of such items.
c Export-Import Bank of India
October 2010
Page No.
List of Tables List of Exhibits List of Box Items Executive Summary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction Global Scenario Indian Scenario Indian Shipbuilding Industry Role of Shipping in Mitigating Climate Change Challenges and Strategies Indian Shipping: Top Ten Projects The IMO Package for Reducing CO2 in Shipping Industry Relevant Policies Currently Under Consideration at the Marine Environment Protection Committee Business Partners Involved in the Establishment of a KG-Fund 96 5 7 7 9 25 27 43 60 67 73 93 94 95
Project Team: Mr. S. Prahalathan, General Manager, Research and Planning Group Ms. Renuka Vijay, Manager, Research and Planning Group
List of Tables
Table 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Title Chief Shipping Lanes in the World Development of International Sea Borne Trade World Sea Borne Trade in 2008, by Country Groups and Types Of Cargo World Fleet Size by Principal Types of Vessels Top Six Countries with the Largest Controlled Fleets (as of January 1, 2009) Top 35 Flags of Registration with the Largest Registered Deadweight Tonnage (as of 1 January 2009) Nationality of Top 3 Major Open and International Registry Fleets (as of 1 January, 2009) Maritime Engagement of 25 Major Trading Nations