• Sex Ratio 933
• Literacy Male 75.85
• Literacy Female 54.16
• 1 to 3% of executive positions only occupied by women
• 9 % of women in execute bodies of political parties
• 3 % of women as Supreme Court Judges
• 7 % of women in civil services
• 6 % women in trade unions
• Infant mortality is 67 for boys and 78 for girls
• 40 % women are assaulted by their intimate partners
• 65 % women reported some kind of abuse
• Rural women are paid 60% of what men are paid
• Urban women are paid 80% of what men are paid
• Less than 50% of the women are involved in decisions related to their own health care
• A woman is molested in the country every 26 minutes
• A rape occurs every 34 minutes
• Every 42 minutes, an incident of sexual harassment takes place
• Every 43 minutes, a woman is kidnapped
• Every 93 minutes, a woman is killed
• Every 102 minutes, a dowry death
• One out of every three women has experienced violence in marital life
• Physical abuse of Indian women is high ranging from 22-60 percent
• 71.5 percent increase in cases of torture and dowry deaths from 1991-1995
• 45 percent of Indian women are slapped, kicked or beaten by their husbands
• India also had highest rate of violence during pregnancy - 50 percent were kicked, beaten or hit when pregnant
• 74.8 percent of women who reported violence have attempted to commit suicide
• Highest rate of sexual violence were among highly educated men
• 32% - with zero education, 42% - primary school education, 57%-high school and college education
• 35% sexual violence by low economic groups and 61 % among the highest income groups
• Between 1980 and 1990 there was an increase of nearly 74% in crimes against women
• Between 1993 and 2000 there was an increase of nearly 150% in crimes against women
• Only 22% of women in rural India were recorded as workers
• Only 32% of the female labour force of the total labour force is accounted for
• In rural India,