Although India was one of the most prosperous English …show more content…
Gandhi began his movement after he returned from South Africa, and tried to persuade the British government to let go India. Over there, he witnessed plenty discrimination, especially since the apartheid (segregation) laws were still in force. This experience led him to notice the inhumane inequality around the world, especially in his home country, India. Once returning to India, he declared his Civil Disobedience Movement, which only protests that were nonviolent and peaceful. For example, shortly after the massacre, he began the Salt March , where he and thousands of others made salt illegally from mud and seawater (International Center of Nonviolent Conflict). He was liked nationwide not only because of his nonviolent campaigns, but also because he included the “untouchables”, which were the Dalits (International Center of Nonviolent Conflict). Although the a large amount of the population were outcasts and lower-class people, he quickly became controversial amongst politicians in India (International Center of Nonviolent Conflict). Being inclusive, Gandhi continued his movement. Even though he wasn’t well liked by politicians, he had the support of millions. Around World War II, the struggle for freedom was at its peak (Britannica School). After a scandal with a British politician in 1942, Gandhi announced a new movement, the Quit India movement, to finally make India its own self-governing nation. During this movement,they protested, which unfortunately turned into riots sometimes, boycotts, and fasting, and them getting arrested (Newberry). It wasn’t until 1947 that the colony truly became a free nation and was divided into India and Pakistan, a year before the activist was assassinated (Britannica School). For many years, Gandhi and millions others worked hard to finally liberate India, and thanks to his peaceful movements, not only did he achieve his goal, but he also