An individual’s personal background carries a big influence on the way that they learn. Aboriginal students are disadvantaged in the current schooling system as it differs so much from what they …show more content…
experience at home. The traditional learning styles present in schools is a very abstract style of learning and the Indigenous cultural style is far more focused on contextual learning to serve a purpose (Forrest, 2015b). In order to excel at traditional schooling Indigenous students are required to code switch between their school life and their home life (Kim, 2014). School is quite often the first experience indigenous children have with this style of thinking and as a result many struggle because they lack the ability to adapt quick enough and as a result get left behind (Rodriguez, 2004). It is important that I keep this in mind when educating these children, help them transition between home and school life and even create certain kinds of activities that are suited to their style of learning. Hopefully this will make school a more enjoyable environment for these students and they will be able to excel at their schoolwork.
One of the most damaging aspects of stereotypes for Aboriginal people is the effect that they have on children, they mold their mindset and effectively limit their potential.
Lynette Rodriguez recalls when she was a child she dropped out of school early because she believed that she was not clever enough to do anything academic with her life (Rodriguez, 2004). Identity is something that is created by people and effected by society. Currently some aspects of an individual’s perceived identity are corrupted due to negative stereotypes. Through strong leadership individuals can re-educate themselves to rebuild a stronger image of themselves (Oxenham et al., 1999). This is very important to remember when educating children because a negative self-image has a strong influence on academic enthusiasm. By building up a strong self-image an educator can make sure that children are able to reach their full