Another section of the chapter that stands out is the portion entitled Why Won’t We Just “Get Over It”. Stating that many Canadians question why Indigenous peoples cannot simply get over the oppressive colonial power seen throughout Canadian history. The McIvor case is a prime example of why Indigenous peoples are under no obligations to get over it and it also exemplifies how this viewpoint is rather problematic. This is a very ignorant stance held by many Canadian as it seems that many do not want to acknowledge the oppressive nature of Canada’s history in regards to Indigenous peoples, their resources and their land. Indigenous peoples should not simply get over it, as these are issues that still have an impact on them today.…
In the article “Improve Aboriginal Health through Oral History,” which was published in the Toronto Star on Sunday, May 2, 2010, the author Nicholas Keung discusses the childhood of aboriginal in residential school and its effect on the healthy relationships.…
In the novel "The Color of Water" by James McBride, the two characters Ruth and James grieve over the death of James's stepfather's death, Jordan Hunter, in completely different ways. Ruth's way of grieving for her husband was very different than how her son chose to grieve his departure. James said after the death of his stepfather's death he just started to misbehave and resulted in him skipping school a lot and going to the movies with his friends. "I virtually dropped out of high school... failing every class. I spent the year going to the movies ... with my friends" (pg 6). His siblings joked about the way he dealt with he grieved saying things like "James is going through his revolution"(pg 6). Skipping school was not the only thing…
Over the past few decades, there has been many distinct perspectives and conflicts surrounding the historical context between the Indigenous peoples in Canada and the Canadian Government. In source one, the author P.J Anderson is trying to convey that the absolute goal of the Indian Residential School system in Canada has been to assimilate the Indian nation and provide them with guidance to “ forget their Indian habits”, and become educated in the “ arts of civilized life”, in order to help them integrate into society and “become one” with their “White brethren”. It is clearly evident throughout the source that the author is supportive of the Indian residential school system and strongly believes that this system was beneficial to the integration…
She showed how her knowledge from Western schooling pushed her to learn more about Indigenous knowledge and how both forms can have a strong impact on the world. Also, it took a vast amount of strength for Gehl to overcome her position in society according to the Indian Act and fight against the government to achieve for herself, the good life. In this book, many topics are touched upon that bring to surface the problems within the Canadian government and the issues the government imposes onto the Aboriginal population. Lynn Gehl in Claiming Anishinaabe: Decolonizing the Human Spirit proves that sexism within the Indian Act of 1876, racialization and discrimination, colonialism through unfair treaties and denial of traditional Aboriginal land are all issues that affect the lives of the Aboriginal community and make their struggle towards Aboriginal status and mino-pimadiziwin much greater. In my analysis, I will show how racialization, discrimination, and colonialism has affected the Indigenous community and how sexism has both directly affected women in the Aboriginal community and Gehl in the process of achieving Indian…
Neither Canadian or American: The Status of Native Culture and Identity In Contemporary Society Depicted In Thomas King’s Borders…
Indigenous storytelling can be understood as a way of both resisting and amending the dominant colonial histories that inform the subaltern position of Indigenous people within Canada, alongside a means of reclaiming identity and sovereignty within a globalized neoliberal political economy. These practices are narratives of resistance, which symbolize the cultural, political and intellectual struggles of the Indigenous people in Canada, subsequently redefining their position within society. By examining the story of the naming of Canada told by the Kanien’kehaka people of the Haudensosaunee nation, we can see how the collective values of the group are conveyed and how the development of an ethic group boundary as defined by Fredrick Barthes…
Green Grass Running Water is a novel written by Thomas King in which he explores the implications that colonization has on Indigenous people in a post colonial context. Colonization is a continuous process in which an empire acquires and maintains power by having an unequal relationship with a group of people while taking over their land. In King’s novel he emphasizes that colonization is an ongoing process. Even in a post colonial land, Indigenous people are still being oppressed by their colonizers. One really powerful tactic that oppressors use to maintain the unequal power dynamic is demonstrating a Western norm through pop culture. Western pop culture valourizes the lives of white individuals, which is demonstrated in the heroism in which John Wayne is seen. Doing this enforces the ideology of white supremacy over Indigenous people by having them their after internalize their oppression. In this novel King demonstrates how colonizers are able to maintain their hegemonic control of the individuals they have colonized by having them try to reach the western cultural norms demonstrated through pop culture.…
The aboriginal population are one of the most violently oppressed groups in Canada’s History. Some say to advance as a society and reach an equal ground we have to move on looking to a bright future, but some would say to move on we need to address the issues caused by the past that still shadow aboriginal communities today. I firmly believe that to solve the problem, we must fully realise it. I am inclined to believe that this is the land God gave to Cain. “ - Jacques Cartier. This quote from famed Canadian explorer Jacques Cartier explains his thoughts on the land found by him and his crew. It started in 1534, Jacques Cartier a french explorer took one small step for man and pushed the Canadian indigenous 50 steps back. Exploring the St. Lawrence river, Cartier set base. One year later he would find what is now Montreal, welcomed with open arms by the Iroquois people who were already settled there. Cartier and his men would soon continue to search north America for gold and diamonds. Cartier set a standard for Canadian exploration and would be followed by many others. History paints Cartier as a hero, despite the accounts of murder, rape and other crimes committed by him and his crew members. Looking back to the quote, an underlying entitlement based on faith and status must be acknowledged in able to see why the problems are still…
The government needs to help repair these reserves to create better living conditions as well as create programs to assist the survivors of residential schools with their emotional and psychological issues that were created from the human rights abuses they faced. The aboriginal people of Canada are owed more than an apology for what was done to them for generations. A number of broken families and lost lives cannot be fixed from the monetary compensation they received. The Canadian government has not done enough to ensure the rights of aboriginals are protected. With the signing of the Declaration of Rights of Indigenous, there is hope for the future improvement and protection of these rights. Allowing for the past and current issues to be corrected and never repeated. It is the responsibility of Canada to recognize the abuses and create changes to protect these rights. It is up to future generations to understand the human rights abuses of the past and ensure that the future will never hold similar conditions for any group of people. The Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission set forth by Harpers government will provide this opportunity as it seeks to educate all Canadians of the Human…
This book was written by people who were either in the Kamloops Indian Residential School or got to see it second hand. These stories of the schools were told by Aboriginal People to have a record of how the Residential Schools went for them, not by how other people made it seem. These horrific stories told build my argument in my essay of how improper and inhumane these schools were for people who did nothing to deserve it. The torture they went through and have had the courage to tell their stories is inspiring. These people wanted people to know what happened so history would not be repeated; they also wanted to let people know that although they had to go through those years, they survived as a whole. It is important to recognize that this…
First Peoples have been treated with repugnant unfairness for centuries around the globe. They are even unable to escape this malicious inequality in one of the world’s most diverse and multicultural countries, Canada. Canada’s progress in the advancement of the rights of First Nations who live on the country’s own soil is disgracefully slow. This atrocious behaviour “on a number of occasions has been criticized in international forums for the miserable conditions that affect… First Nations peoples, conditions that are comparable to those of developing countries” (“Prejudices”). Canadian Aboriginals have been treated with the utmost disrespect in their native country.…
From Canadian history, we can observe discrimination against Indigenous population. The discrimination took a part in various ways. One of the biggest discrimination Indigenous people faced and are still facing is violation of basic human rights, separation of families with no consent, and abuse of power and authority of the ones who are suppose to protect them. In this essay, I will argue that Indigenous rights of Canada can be advanced through proper education in and outside of Indigenous communities and better representations in the government of Canada. To end stigma and racism against Indigenous people, it is important for the general public to be properly informed about the history of Indigenous people and the values that they stand for.…
The lack of access to clean water in First Nations communities is nothing less of a human rights violation and a warning sign of the lack of environmental justice. Evidently, environmental racism found in the marginalized communities is a due to continuous lack of action from the government, at both the provincial and federal level. This type of negligence and ignorance towards indigenous people causes health impacts as well as loss of culture amongst the community. To sum up, the lack of water rights for British Columbia’s First Nations communities elevates not only human rights issue but more importantly issue that has consequences towards culture and…
The Native Americans were treated horribly, when they trusted the Americans. The U.S., stole their horses and many died from diseases. This information was gotten from the article called “Allow the Cherokee to Stay,” it stated “Their horses were stolen and hundreds died from disease and malnutrition on the journey.” This quote means that they agreed to move nicely and calmly, but the U.S., still did not treat them fair. That’s not all, when one tribe called the Lakota Nation agreed to move westward because there would be food, water, and land. The U.S., tricked them and they went to imprisonment camps. This was in the article called “ The Betrayal of Native Americans”, it said, “Instead, many Lakota live on reservations (or prisoner of war camps, as they might be called) like Pine Ridge, which is annually one of the most impoverished places in the United States.” This states that Native Americans agree to move where it would be better, but the U.S. still treated them horribly. It was not only the U.S., it was also Canda. The Canadians agreed to help the native groups with money because the U.S. and Canada were the richest nations back then. Instead, the Canadians poisoned their water, soil, and air. Some of the native groups were from the first nations. They were the Inuit, Métis tribe, and others . This was in the article called, “The Betrayal of Native Americans”. The quote stated, “Instead of honoring its…