Change and Elegance
December, 6th, 2010 Indira Gandhi (No relation to Mohandas Gandhi) was a strong political activist throughout her life, even in her childhood Indira would prove that what was most important to her was her country, her people and the freedom of both. To better understand the Indira Gandhi’s methodology and political contributions, it is necessary to first analyze the political state of her country, as well as her background and career as a whole. Indira was born into the Nehru family whom had a strong political background all on its own. Indira’s father, Jawaharlal, and her grandfather, Motilal, were both members of the Indian National Congress, which was very sympathetic toward the rising nationalism of the Indian middle class (Butler 27). This meant that from the day of her birth, Indira would be thrown into a world of insurgency, riot and political upheaval. Her father sums up her upbringing in a letter he sends to Indira, “You were a child of a turbulent world.” (Butler 33) Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi, formerly Indira Priyadarshini Nehru, was born on November, 19th, 1917 in Allahabad, India. Her father, Jawaharlal, was a lawyer, member of the Indian National Congress and also leader of the Indian Nationalist movement. Her mother, kamala Nehru, was a deeply religious woman and differed greatly from Jawaharlal. It has been noted that there were huge differences between the lifestyle of Jawaharlal and Kamala, mainly in traditions as the Nehru’s followed a more-western and sophisticated lifestyle. ( Indira, because of this, was presented the opportunity to be influenced by both her strong diplomatic father as well as her spiritual loving mother. Having the influence of her mother was important because her father was engulfed in his political agenda, “I became wholly absorbed in the movement...I almost forgot my family, my wife, my daughter.” (Butler 27) However, it was
Cited: Butler, Francelia. Indira Gandhi. New York: Chelsea House, 1986. Greene, Carol. Indira Nehru Gandhi, Ruler of India. Chicago: Children 's Press, 1985. Famous People in History. Web. 04 Dec. 2010. . Unknown. "Indira Gandhi - India History, Biography of Indira Gandhi." Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .