Assessment 2: Individual Analysis:
Assessing and developing yourself as a manager
1.0 Introduction
Self-assessment can be described as the means of examining oneself, the team or organisation that they working in, against certain aspects that are significant to one's personality, team or work structure. Self-Assessment tools can be a very useful way to test personal, management and organisational abilities, performance and goals. They can be used as guidance to assist in implementing change or in the development of a team or an organisation, or even to help a manager grow and improve as a leader. However, there are several disadvantages which together with the advantages will be examined. Furthermore, in this assignment the areas of individual behaviour and processes, team processes and organizational processes self-assessments will be discussed and reviewed. An overview of motivational leadership is assessed using relevant academic literature. An assessment of the applications, advantages, limitations and disadvantages of self-assessment tools resulting in a conclusion with emphasis on motivational leadership and self-assessment tools is also included.
2.0 Self-Assessments
These are the six online self-assessment tests that have been undertaken for this assignment:
Emotional Intelligence Test ( 2012) - Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, evaluate and control emotions and is an important part of self-assessment. This test was taken to assess and manage personal and other people's emotions and feelings and how best to motivate oneself. This test indicated that I am fairly good at identifying emotions in myself and others, and that I can recognise and express my own emotions. It also showed me that there is room for personal growth in this area. I did not find these conclusions surprising, as I generally do see myself as being in touch with my emotions, and feel that I am
References: Essentials, Organizational Behavior. 2012. Self-Assessment 12.2: Identifying Your Preferred Organizational Structure. Gandossy, Robert, and Robin Guarnieri. 2008. "Can You Measure Leadership?" MIT Sloan Management Review 50 (1): 65-69. Harding, Nancy, Hugh Lee, Jackie Ford, and Mark Learmonth. 2011. "Leadership and Charisma: A Desire That Cannot Speak Its Name?" Human Relations 64 (7): 927-949. doi: 10.1177/0018726710393367. Legacy, Your Leadership. 2012. Your Leadership Style Assessment. Library, Free Management. 2012. Change Readiness Assessment. MindTools. 2012. The Leadership Motivation Test. Oreg, Shaul, and Yair Berson. 2011. "Leadership and Employees ' Reactions to Change: The Role of Leaders ' Personal Attributes and Transformational Leadership Style." Personnel Psychology 64 (3): 627-659. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-6570.2011.01221.x. Peng Wang, and Joseph C Rode. 2010. "Transformational Leadership and Follower Creativity: The Moderating Effects of Identification with Leader and Organizational Climate." Human Relations 63 (8): 1105-1128. doi: 10.1177/0018726709354132. 2012. Five Factor Personality Test. 2012. Emotional Intelligence Test. Solansky, Stephanie T. 2008. "Leadership Style and Team Processes in Self-Managed Teams." Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 14 (4): 332-341. doi: 10.1177/1548051808315549. Takala, Tuomo. 2010. "Dark Leadership, Charisma and Trust." Psychology 1 (1): 59-63. Vidic, Zeljka, and Damon Burton. 2011. "Developing Effective Leaders: Motivational Correlates of Leadership Styles." Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 23 (3): 277-291. doi: 10.1080/10413200.2010.546827. Ying, Hong, M. Catano Victor, and Liao Hui. 2011. "Leader Emergence: The Role of Emotional Intelligence and Motivation to Lead." Leadership & Organization Development Journal 32 (4): 320-343.