The transcripts of four students were received and analyzed to form the codes and the themes. Upon reading, the important keywords and sentences were marked. Those keywords helped to find out common experiences of the students. After reading and highlighting all four transcripts, the codes were developed. Coding was done individually for each transcripts and then noted in the journal for future reference. Once, coding was done for all the transcripts they were analyzed to form common themes. All themes were also noted in the journal. The first theme which came up was education style. This theme emerged because all the four students spoke about the education system in the United States. The words like interactive learning, …show more content…
varied grading system, different writing style, different study style, evidence based medicine, and academic flexibility were picked. The next theme which emerged was adaptation into a new environment. The reason for developing this theme was because all four transcripts shared common codes such as learning to adapt in a new country, new society, adapting to a new life style, and coming out of a comfort zone. The next theme which emerged was cultural diversity. This theme was developed because in all the transcripts, there were phrases such as diversity of international culture, American people are very courteous and friendly, and opportunity to meet peers from around the world. All the four transcripts were re-read thoroughly to confirm the emerged themes.
Group Audit Trail
All four students came together as a group to describe the themes.
The individual students had many similarities in the coding and themes, with few differences. Three themes were developed in the individual audit namely education style, adaptation into a new environment, and cultural diversity. However, as a group five themes were finalized as educational system, self-development, transitions, cultural diversity, and employment. The individual audit trail theme education style was divided into two themes by the group as education style was too broad. Education style was then changed to education system and barriers. The education system theme emerged because all four transcripts had common set of codes in relation to education such as flexibility of course selection, evidence based practice, etc. The next theme, barriers was further changed to transition as the term barrier seemed to be negative. And under transition theme, the codes related to transition in the US such as different learning styles, writing styles, the concept of plagiarism, etc. were included. The next theme developed was self-development because adaptation into a new environment as a theme was very narrow. The next theme which was arrived was self-development because many key words were identified in the text as adjusting to the new environment, learning time-management skills, learning to be matured and responsible. The cultural diversity theme was well accepted by all four. One other themes which emerged was employment. This theme was generated to categories students’ on-campus work experience and the requirement to practice physical therapy. Therefore after analyzing key words and carefully reading and understanding sentences the above mentioned themes were
Audit Trail as a Class
During class discussion, similar themes emerged in addition to the three new themes namely overall experiences, expectations, and the future goals. The overall experiences was developed because many other transcripts included students experience and used key words like good, exciting, amazing, life-changing, humbling, etc. The expectations as a theme emerged because of the common set of codes like improved campus facility, and overall student activities. Another theme which was developed by the whole class was the future goals. This was generated as a result of phrases like great future in America, and living American dreams. However, those extra three themes were not included in the group audit trail as they were already included under other themes during group analysis.