Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary and Thesaurus defines excellence as the quality of superiority. The work excellence is synonymous with distinction, greatness, flawlessness, impeccability, and perfection (Merriam-Webster, 2006). The pursuit of excellence is the search for perfection. The consensus of today’s society is that nothing is perfect and perfection is unobtainable. Although that may be true, I believe that by reaching for excellence, or perfection, a person will achieve more than would be achieved by reaching for what would be considered attainable.
In the helping professions, practitioners are expected to have knowledge of and the ability to practice particular standards of competency. Practitioners are expected to participate in continuing education and professional development to maintain competency. Competency is not the same as excellence. Professional excellence is “described as something that was difficult to measure and to explicitly define” (Courtney, 2005, p. 214). Professional excellence refers to superior standards of presentation, communication, and responsiveness to clients needs. Consistency in the practice of superior standards is related to excellence. Personality and attitude are related to excellence and may be described as “perfectionist” or a desire to be the best (Courtney, 2005). Practitioners of professional excellence often appear to try harder than other competent professionals.
Force Field Analysis
The Appendix is a force field analysis that lists nine interrelated and interdependent elements of human service functions. Driving force qualities encourage participants to reach farther. Restraining force qualities encourage mediocrity, and I personally find mediocrity to be unacceptable.
Force field analysis of a change goal could be used as an excellent tool to help clients transform their abilities and talents into individual excellence. The human service worker
References: Courtney, M. (2005). The meaning of professional excellence for private practitioners in occupational therapy Coxey, C. D. (2003, Spring). Work and the human spirit flourish together at the Sommer Barnard Ackerson Law Firm Foster, W., & Seltzer, A. (1986, May). A portrayal of individual excellence in the urban ghetto. Journal of Counseling & Development, 64(9), 579-582 Lewis, Judith A., Packard, Thomas R., & Lewis, Michael D. (2007). Management of Human Service Programs (4th ed.) Merriam-Webster, (2006). Merriam-Webster 's Dictionary and Thesaurus. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster Inc. Smith, Mark K. (2001). Peter Senge and the Learning Organization. Retrieved from