Individual Privacy vs. National Security is something that many people have argued for years. Many people have forgotten what a disturbance September 11, 2001 was to everyone in America. This was the day that 2,992 lives were stolen in the attacks by the Taliban on U.S. soil. Due to this attack the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) along with the Federal Government has put in place many new security regulations. Many people have lost touch with why these regulations were put in place. As well, many people have lost touch with why TSA is using full body scanners and other security devices. On September 11, 2001 19 members of a global terrorism network called al-Qaeda in a planned and coordinated effort used bladed weapons and fake bombs to hijack four commercial passenger airplanes simultaneously. Two planes were purposely crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center Complex in New York City, a third plane was purposely crashed into the Pentagon building in Washington, D.C. and a fourth plane crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, when passengers alerted to the other hijackings and crashes tried to regain control of their aircraft from the terrorists. It is believed that terrorists intended to crash that plane into the Capital building. The attacks resulted in the deaths of 2,977 people, mostly civilians, and the 19 hijackers (National Commission Report, 2004). Unfortunately this the September 11th attacks of the World Trade Center was not the first attempt. On February 26, 1993 World Trade Tower One was rattled with explosive bombs from the parking basement. This was the first attack by terrorists on American soil which frightened many Americans. The bombing resulted in the immediate death of six and left over 1000 injured. The attempt was to knock down the first tower causing a domino effect that would knock down the second tower. Fortunately the attack did not go as
References: AOL Travel, Inc. (2010, September) TSA Testing Privacy Upgrades for Full Body Scanners Fran Golden Posted Sep 16th 2010 retrieved from Frueh, S.. (2009, January). PREVENTING TERRORISM, PROTECTING PRIVACY. The National Academies in Focus, 8(3), 4-5. Retrieved August 2, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry. (Document ID: 1665734281). King, Wolf Seek to Reconstitute 9/11 Commission :House Homeland Security Committee News Release. (2011, July) Retrieved August 1, 2011, from Research Library. (Document ID: 2412671101). Transportation Security Administration (2011) Passenger Screening retrieved from USA Government (2011) Defense and International Relations retrieved from