Our group consisted of five members. As we did not know each other that well in the beginning one of the hardest tasks was to estimate how everyone’s attitude towards working in a team was like and how much effort every single member is going to put in our project.
My role was to, first of all, suggest and eventually choose a topic upon the agreement of the other team members. Furthermore, I had to clarify what we were going to do, as only two of us had actually read the requirements prior to our first group meeting. This was quite time consuming regarding the allocation of the tasks. Besides the fact, we were not complete on our agreed-upon time and therefore had to wait until we actually could get started. The division of the tasks itself went well, as everyone agreed on what he or she would have to do. We clarified what was not clear and each team member started working on his or her task.
We made the decision to distribute the several tasks upon the five of us in order to work individually on a certain part. As there were four main tasks to fulfil and two optional ones we opted for taking one of the optional tasks as well. In order to balance the parts each team member would present, we divided the Pestle framework in two parts. The time taken for the preparation and design stages of the presentation were underestimated. Therefore, the division was a good decision. Communication was limited to moderate in the group. In the very beginning we created a
‘WhatsApp’ Group in order to have a fast and easy way to communicate, as everyone is reachable on his or her mobile phone almost constantly. Expect if it is about setting a date and time for the team meeting.
The presentation was planned to be put together a couple of days before the actual presentation day. We agreed upon that one of us would be responsible for the merging of the single parts before that last meeting. Moreover, this person suggested taking care of the design, which