What was Francis Henry Galton 's major contribution to forensic science?
Francis Henry Galton’s major contribution to forensic science was conducting the first official study of fingerprints and to this day we still use his taxonomy of prints! He published a book in 1892 that had the first statistical proof that supported his message of personal identification. He also invented the scientific meteorology.
Who is known as "the father of forensic toxicology" and why?
A Spaniard named Mathieu Orfila is known as “the father of forensic toxicology”. He wrote a treatise about detecting poisons and the effects they have on animals. This treatise is a legitimate scientific treatise which is how forensic toxicology was established. He even went as far as taking soil from around the burial site and testing the soil for poisons to show that in fact the person had died from being poisoned and he absorb the poison from the grave site!
Name two major contributions to forensic science made by Hans Gross.
Hans Gross did several things that helped forensic science get to where it is today. He wrote a treatise in 1893 describing scientific disciplines to criminal investigation. He also wrote a book telling investigators what fields in science they could expect assistance from. A few of those fields are anthropometry, zoology, and chemistry.
Who was the first person to apply the principles of forensic science to a working crime laboratory?
Frenchman Edmond Locard was the first person applying the principles of forensic science to a crime laboratory. In 1910, He went to the Lyons police department and they provided him with two attic rooms and two assistance. The police department didn’t start recognizing it as a lab until two years after Locard started it!
What is Locard 's exchange principle?
Locard’s exchange principle is whenever two objects come into contact with each other they cross-transfer materials. He referred to this as “every
References: Kohler, H. (2003). Biography 16.1 Francis Galton (1822-1911). Retrieved from http://www.swlearning.com/quant/kohler/stat/siteresources.html Laughlin, G. J. (2013). Dr. Walter C. McCrone. Retrieved from http://mcri.org/home/section/2 8/dr.-walter-c.-mccrone Ramsland, K. (2013). Forensic Toxicology. Retrieved from http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/criminal_mind/forensics/toxicology/3.html Rankin, S. (2005-2013). Edmond Locard. Retrieved from http://forensicsciencecentral.co.uk/edmondlocard.shtm Unknown (2012). Francis Galton. Retrieved from http://www.famousscientists.org/francis galton/