Capitalism is an economic system that survives off of self interest. The idea of individualism thrives in capitalist societies because this self centered approach to economics …show more content…
Similar to 18th century Western Europe, the United States too suffers from this disease of looking up to the rich as superhuman, and looking down on the poor as if they were rats. Smith shares that this view many people have is something that has kept a social hierarchy in line. It could be said that when this quote has served to be untrue in history, it has been during times of great upheaval and insurgence. For example, the French Revolution was a time where the rich were not looked up to, and the poor were the topic of conversation. As far as a moral standpoint, it has stood the test of time. Moreover, even today in the United States, income inequality has shown to draw lines of moral stature towards the polarized classes of the American hierarchy (Pollin Lecture, Feb. 4). Driving through the west side of Philadelphia, I had profiled the low-income inhabitants as being less important than the upper income homes I saw in the historical and downtown areas of Philadelphia. I share this with many Americans, we are not mean; this natural thought is as Smith states, a corruption of our morals brought out by