Douglas Holloway
Due by Monday at Midnight of the end of Module / Week #8
Name: Best Email Address:
BIBL 350 – Inductive Bible Study
Assignments for Submission #4
Assignment 19-4: Deuteronomy 22:8
“When you build a new house, make a parapet around your roof so that you may not bring the guilt of bloodshed on your house if someone falls from the roof.”
(1) Study the text and make as many observations as you can. List the observations in the space provided. Be sure that you understand the meanings of all the words. Do background study and word studies as needed to understand each term. (2) Identify both the historical-cultural context and the literary context. Regarding the historical-cultural context: "When and where is this law given?" Regarding the literary context, "What does the surrounding text discuss?" (3) Apply the Interpretive Journey to the text by completing the following:
Step 1: Grasp the text in their town. What does the text mean to the biblical audience?
Step 2: Measure the width of the river to cross. What are the differences between the biblical audience and us?
Step 3: Cross the Principlizing Bridge. What is the theological principle in this text?
Step 4: Cross into the New Testament. Does the New Testament teaching modify or qualify this principle, and if so, how?
Step 5: Grasp the text in our town. How should individual Christians today apply the modified theological principle in their lives?
(1) Textual Observations:
The original audience of this book was Israel, and it was written around 1407/6 B. C. by Moses. Most of Deuteronomy is comprised of a series of speeches that Moses delivers to the Israelites on God’s behalf. This verse implies that during that time, people must have spent time together on their roofs. Also, it appears that if someone dies at your home, even if it may be an accident, the guilt of bloodshed still is on your house (not just one person).