He makes fun of the gestures suggesting they are ludicrous that they actually work. Martin Luther writes the 95 Theses and nails them on the church door. The citizens use the printing press to copy his Theses into books. His ideas can then easily be spread through the copies of his Theses. Luther later learns he is summoned to appear in Augsburg and that he is threatened with excommunication. Aleander suggests Martin recant, but he does not do so. Pope Leo X excommunicates Martin and declares all his work to be burned. While in excommunication, Martin translates the New Testament of the Bible into German. He believes that everyone should be able to read it for themselves to understand and be familiar with the scripture. Martin is given a second chance in Worms. Martin is once again asked if he will recant his work. He replies that he needs one more day to figure it out, and the council grudgingly accepts. The next day he again denies to recant his work. The Cardinal demands that Martin be taken to Rome, but Prince Frederick disagrees, so he kidnaps Luther and keeps him in Wartburg Castle. Chaos errupts when Luther
He makes fun of the gestures suggesting they are ludicrous that they actually work. Martin Luther writes the 95 Theses and nails them on the church door. The citizens use the printing press to copy his Theses into books. His ideas can then easily be spread through the copies of his Theses. Luther later learns he is summoned to appear in Augsburg and that he is threatened with excommunication. Aleander suggests Martin recant, but he does not do so. Pope Leo X excommunicates Martin and declares all his work to be burned. While in excommunication, Martin translates the New Testament of the Bible into German. He believes that everyone should be able to read it for themselves to understand and be familiar with the scripture. Martin is given a second chance in Worms. Martin is once again asked if he will recant his work. He replies that he needs one more day to figure it out, and the council grudgingly accepts. The next day he again denies to recant his work. The Cardinal demands that Martin be taken to Rome, but Prince Frederick disagrees, so he kidnaps Luther and keeps him in Wartburg Castle. Chaos errupts when Luther