Education in BITS has given me a strong foundation in Engineering. The exhaustive nature of courses and a competitive grading system has instilled in me a desire to delve deeper into the subjects and deliver the best in me. My sophomore and junior years consisted of several courses on basic sciences and mathematics that have immensely helped me appreciate my core discipline courses and contribute to projects. Following these two years, I did an eight-week summer internship at a large-scale fastener making industry. - Sundram Fasteners Ltd, Chennai. I worked on the design of an autoloader for grinding machines in the Special Purpose Machine department. This first industrial experience has envisaged in me, the importance of Industrial Engineering and spurred me to consider this as my career and future.
Among the various core courses I did in my senior year, I particularly enjoyed optimization and operations research. Other courses like Design of machine elements, Transport phenomena, computer-aided design, Dynamics of machines and vibrations have helped me obtain a very good understanding of mechanical engineering as a whole. I have scored excellent grades in my field courses. To add to this, I also stood first in the class in Solid Mechanics and third in Production Techniques. To further my interest in what I have learnt