If there were something that could provide a sustainable solution to heal the world, wouldn’t we take advantage of it?
Fortunately there is something; Hemp.
It has been said that Hemp can be used in over 25,000 products including; food, textiles, plastics, fuel and paper. It grows in 100 days with no wastage, little water, no chemicals and has huge biomass.
Hemp being a cousin of Marijuana fell victim to smear campaigns that lead to the criminalisation of cannabis in the 1930’s and that stigma remains. In my explorations, I found out that over 80% of kiwis had no idea there was a difference between Hemp and Marijuana. Most related Hemp to hippies and marijuana. The misconception of Hemp was clear throughout.
New Zealand were the first to give woman the right to vote, he first Western-allied country to officially ban nuclear-armed and powered warships from its territory and the testing ground for banking innovations such as Eftpos. We are famous for our innovative and early adoptive nature. This making New Zealand is the perfect country to reintroduce Hemp and prove its full potential.
As the potential for Hemp stretches so far, from farmers to fishermen, health freaks to auto-companies. I will apply the theory of transmedia, glorifying Hemp, “across multiple media platforms, with each new text making a distinctive and valuable contribution to the whole”
(Jenkins, 2006) Using personalised narratives in medias that apply to each desired target audience.
If principles of advertising design and transmedia were applied to the awareness of Hemps amazing capabilities and benefits, stigma would be removed and New Zealand could set an innovative example to the world to help global environmental and economic