VI semester
EI 336- Industrial Instrumentation -II
1) Define Viscosity.
It is a measure of fluidity of the system. Many fluids undergo continuous deformation with the application of shearing stress.
2) Define Newtonian fluids
If the force flow relation is linear then the fluid is Newtonian .
3) Define Non Newtonian fluids
If the force flow relation is non linear then the fluid is Newtonian .
4) Define Kinematic Viscosity.
Ratio of absolute viscosity to the density of the fluid.
V= µ cm2 /ς sec
5) Define Specific Viscosity.
Ratio of absolute viscosity of the fluid to the absolute viscosity of a standard fluid at the same temperature. µs = µ / µh
6) Define Relative Viscosity.
Ratio of absolute viscosity of the fluid at a given temperature to the absolute viscosity of a standard fluid at 20°c.
7) Define Viscosity index
It is an empirical number that indicates the effect of change of temperature on viscosity if a fluid.
8) Define fluidity.
It is the reciprocal of viscosity. It is unit is 1/ poise.
9) Define Humidity.
It is basically moisture content in air or it is the quantity of water vapour retained by gas.
10) Define Absolute Humidity.
Weight of water vapour in unit wait of gas.
H=Wr / Wg
11) Define Specific Humidity.
It is weight of vapors in unit weight of mixture.
12) Define Relative Humidity.
This is the ratio of moisture content of gas to maximum moisture content of the gas at that temperature. 13) Define dew point.
This is the saturation temperature of the mixture at the corresponding vapour pressure.
14) Define various units of Humidity.
Vppm = parts per million / volume.
G/ kg = weight concentration
Relative humidity = in %
Dew point in °C.
15) Define Hygrometer.
Used to measure the moisture content in air. It also used to measure humidity.
16) What is the basic principle of Hygrometer.
It consist of mechanical device measuring the dimension