These problems were created as a result of this new found capitalist infatuation with industry and such activities within. Predominantly, the nature of these problems which resulted from the revolution as highlighted previously are socially, economically and environmentally oriented. The following will discuss each of the problems created as a result of the revolution. Understandably, the Industrial revolution required a heavy labor force to run the factories in the various industries. According to Kenneth Morgan in his book, The Birth of Industrial Britain, Social Change 1750-1850, "Most domoestic industrial work arose from the seasonal underemployment in the British economy up to c.1830". He continues, "To compensate for underemployment, workers acquired skills in domestic industry to enable
These problems were created as a result of this new found capitalist infatuation with industry and such activities within. Predominantly, the nature of these problems which resulted from the revolution as highlighted previously are socially, economically and environmentally oriented. The following will discuss each of the problems created as a result of the revolution. Understandably, the Industrial revolution required a heavy labor force to run the factories in the various industries. According to Kenneth Morgan in his book, The Birth of Industrial Britain, Social Change 1750-1850, "Most domoestic industrial work arose from the seasonal underemployment in the British economy up to c.1830". He continues, "To compensate for underemployment, workers acquired skills in domestic industry to enable