In simple words ‘IT’ means collection, storage, dissimilation and use of information. Not confined to hardware & software but acknowledgement of importance of man & the goals he sets to the technology.
The scientific technological & engineering disciplines & the management techniques used in information handling & processing their application, computer & their interpretation with man, machines and associated social, economical & cultural matters are covered in IT.
Data leads to information, information leads to knowledge, knowledge leads to wisdom, & wisdom is the key to existence of human civilizations. Our need of accuracy & revolution towards processing of information has led us to ‘Information Revolution’. Computers and IT tools can take humans to the peak of new millennium or destroy human civilization.
Information Technology in India accounts for a substantial part of the country's GDP and export earnings while providing employment to a significant number of its tertiary sector workforce. Technically proficient immigrants from India sought jobs in the western world from the 1950s onwards as India's education system produced more engineers than its industry could absorb. India's growing stature in the information age enabled it to form close ties with both the United States of America and the European Union.
Out of 400, 000 engineers produced per year in the country, 100, 000 possessed both technical competency and English language skills. India developed a number of outsourcing companies specializing in customer support via Internet or telephone connections. By 2008, India also has a total of 49,750,000telephone lines in use, a total of 233,620,000 mobile phone connections, a total of 60,000,000 Internet users—comprising 6.0% of the country's population, and 4,010,000 people in the country have access to broadband Internet— making it the 18th largest country in the world in