Study Notes
Perry Tappenden
Terminology associated with the timber industry comes in many forms; it is used to address other workers, to give a quick response to a question or to make statements shorter and to not go into extensive detail. Examples of certain timber terminology includes; a Crook: Distortion of a piece of lumber, Header: a structural member located between the stud joint or rafter. These are a few instances of terminology as there are many more than this.
Timber recovery and conversion is when timber is collected either from deposits or from land and sawn into newer sheets of wood, or burned and used for something else such as firewood, this practice is commonly sought after. When wood is converted it can also be broken down into chips and remade into sheets of ply for use thereafter. * Live Sawing: This gives the most timber from the log; it’s the most simple and cheapest way to cut the log into boards. Timber cut in this method may shrink or warp unevenly. This timber is suitable for construction work, fences and crates * Quarter sawing: The log is quartered lengthwise, resulting in wedges with a right angle ending at approximately the centre of each log. The resulting boards are called quarter sawn. * Back sawing: Takes high quality timber from faulty logs. It allows for the faulty parts to be cut around with little waste. Back sawing is used for floor and ceiling joints as there is more strength in the direction of the growth rings. * Flitches and Burls are deformities on the outside of timber, it’s found on the outgrowth on a tree trunk. Flitches are slices of veneer form a tree trunk and are kept in the order of which they were sawn. * Stability is the limit to which timber can re shaped and formed. If timber is stable then it would have been seasoned and therefore maintains its shape without curling. * Seasoning is the process in which