Grades 11-12
Rita Brunkow, Teacher
Overview Industrialization is a global macro-change that started in the 18th century in Great Britain and continues today in developing states. Students will compare the 18th century industrial revolution in England to industrialization in China. They will learn how internal and external factors promoted or hindered industrialization. Another important aspect of this unit is to consider the effects of industrialization on social, political, economic, and cultural conditions.
Central Questions:
1. What factors/causes are necessary for industrialization?
2. Why did England industrialize first? Why not China?
3. What is macro-change and how is industrialization a macro-change?
Wisconsin Standard:
B.12.9 Select significant changes caused by technology, industrialization, urbanization, and population growth, and analyze the effects of these changes in the United States and the world.
Day One: Linking Consumerism and the Industrial Revolution[1]
Draw a simple table on the white/black board (below).
Students can split into small groups and duplicate the table on a sheet of paper. Handout out the following list of items to each group:
Comfortable work clothing, shoes, sugar, bed, tea, coffee, watch, hat, soap, jewelry, perfume, guns (including military weapons), razor, umbrella, knife, dress clothing, tobacco, chair, cupboard, toys.
Have students place each item on their chart according to whether it is a need or want. They are to assume the perspective of someone in early 18th century England.
Ask groups to share some of their results. Chances are, not all groups will have the same results.
Ask students to consider how many of those same items we consider needs in 2006. Ask if they think there is a difference in perspective when classifying needs and wants from 300 years ago to today.