Society and the Individual in Theodore Dreiser’s Sister Carrie
In 1889 Chicago had the peculiar qualifications of growth which made such adventuresome pilgrimages even on the part of young girls plausible. Its many and growing commercial opportunities gave it widespread fame, which made of it a giant magnet, drawing to itself, from all quarters, the hopeful and the hopeless - those who had their fortune yet to make and those whose fortunes and affairs had reached a disastrous climax elsewhere. (Dreiser 15f)
At the turn of the 19th century, the industrialisation brought about tremendous change in the US. With innovations and inventions like the steam engine, railroads, electricity, telephones and telegraphing, the structure of American society shifted and evolved. People from the rural areas started flocking to the big cities in hopes of finding work and a better life, a dream many chased in vain. The protagonist in Theodore Dreiser’s novel Sister Carrie, 18-year old country girl Carrie Meeber, is one of the “hopeful”; she leaves her hometown to find happiness and success in the big city of Chicago. At first, she stays with relatives and experiences the miserable, tiresome day-to-day struggle of the working middle-class of job-hunting and then hard menial labour in a factory. However, she soon grows tired of her situation. She lets herself be mesmerised by the wealth displayed by others, which both intimidates her and fills her with an insatiable longing for money and status. With this desire growing in her heart, she is willing to make all the sacrifices to achieve her goal, leaving her safe, but unexciting home to live with Charles Drouet, a man whom she barely knows, but who offers her a comfortable lifestyle. Nevertheless, Carrie still is not satisfied, so she leaves him for the wealthier George Hurstwood and continues to search for a way to success and happiness by obtaining status and commodities, losing
Bibliography: Baudrillard, Jean. “Consumer Society”. Consumer Society in American History: A Reader. Lawrence B. Glickman, ed. New York: Cornell University Press, 1999. 33-56. Cross, Gary, and Rick Szostak. Technology and American Society: A History. Upper Saddle River: Pearson, 2005. Dreiser, Theodore. Sister Carrie. Restored edition. New York: Penguin Classics, 1981 (Original work published 1900). Geyh, Paula E Hofstadter, Richard. Social Darwinism in American Thought. 1944. Boston: Beacon Press, 1983. Howe, Daniel W. What Hath God Wrought : The Transformation of America, 1815 - 1848. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Kaplan, Amy. The Social Construction of American Realism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988. Kazin, Alfred, ed. “Introduction.” The Stature of Theodore Dreiser: A Critical Survey of the Man and His Work. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1955. Veblen, Thorstein. “Conspicuous Consumption”. The Consumer Society Reader. Juliet B. Schor and Douglas B. Holt, eds. New York: The New Press, 2000. 187-204.