Offred later mentions that “National Homeland One” is located in North Dakota, where she assumes they are required to farm. According to Amin Malik’s The Handmaid’s Tale and the Dystopian Tradition, it is believed that Atwood intended this to be suggestive of the apartheid homelands that occurred in South Africa in the 1940s, where the government declared that the nonwhite South Africans would be forced to live segregated from the white. Atwood’s implication of this situation in the newscast, was intended to make it apparent that the republic of Gilead was under xenophobic and racist rule. In Cuaron’s Children of Men, the United Kingdom becomes the only stable nation in the world. Immigrants from all over the globe flee there in seek of asylum and safety, but are instead isolated into refugee camps where they are abused or murdered. The protagonist of the film, Theo, explains that the reason for racism is the loss of fertility. Theo is listening to the radio with his friend Jasper when a newscaster blares “The Homeland Security bill is ratified. After eight years, British borders will remain
Offred later mentions that “National Homeland One” is located in North Dakota, where she assumes they are required to farm. According to Amin Malik’s The Handmaid’s Tale and the Dystopian Tradition, it is believed that Atwood intended this to be suggestive of the apartheid homelands that occurred in South Africa in the 1940s, where the government declared that the nonwhite South Africans would be forced to live segregated from the white. Atwood’s implication of this situation in the newscast, was intended to make it apparent that the republic of Gilead was under xenophobic and racist rule. In Cuaron’s Children of Men, the United Kingdom becomes the only stable nation in the world. Immigrants from all over the globe flee there in seek of asylum and safety, but are instead isolated into refugee camps where they are abused or murdered. The protagonist of the film, Theo, explains that the reason for racism is the loss of fertility. Theo is listening to the radio with his friend Jasper when a newscaster blares “The Homeland Security bill is ratified. After eight years, British borders will remain