Jamie Ives
Southeast Community College
Gender Inequality in Togo
Topic: Contemporary and traditional cultural gender inequalities in Togo
General Purpose: To Inform
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the cultural gender bias against women in Togo.
Central Idea: Despite ever increasing influence of Western culture, the traditional cultural bias against women in Togo is still prevalent.
I. Introduction a. Women’s lib. We have all heard this term many times in our lives and some of us may even be tiring of hearing the phrase. Women and some men in this country have worked very hard for more than a century at achieving the freedoms …show more content…
Sadly, what I talked to you about today was merely the tip of the iceberg of what is going on, not only in Togo, but in far too many countries. Some of the statistics I provided you with today may not have seemed to be terrible, but there is still too much discrepancy between males and females, especially as they get older. The advances made in Togo have been possible because of NGO’s stepping up and educating the people of that country, and others as well, about rights we are all entitled to as human beings. We should all enjoy equality of education, employment, civil liberties, and if we choose to get married then we should enjoy equality within the marriage. Think about these women the next time you eat a meal with your significant other, the next time you attend a class, or the next time you purchase something at the store. Thank you for listening to me.
OECD Development Centre. (2012). Togo. Social Institutions & Gender Index. Retrieved from http://genderindex.org/country/togo#_ftn39
Piot, C. (2011). The 'Right ' to be Trafficked. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 18(1), 199-210.
ProQuest. (2013). Togo. CultureGrams World Edition. Retrieved from http://online.culturegrams.com/world/world_country.php?contid=1&wmn=Africa&cid=161&cn=Togo
UNICEF. (2013). Togo. UNICEF. Retrieved from http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/togo_statistics.html
The World Bank Group. (2013). Togo. The World Bank. Retrieved from