
Inevitary Confinement In Prisons

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Inevitary Confinement In Prisons
Every day, newspapers release a new set of articles and information to the public. These articles differ however in their quality and reliability. The Toronto sun’s article, “Half of inmates have been in solitary confinement: Canada's prison watchdog” by Nicole Ireland is an example of a poorly written article. The article describes the excessive use of solitary confinement in prison, and the many negative impacts solitary confinement has on the inmates. The article highlights the disproportionate use of solitary confinement on inmates with mental illness, and the extra damage it causes them. Although the subject is pertinent and important, the article is poorly written, and therefore lessens its reliability. Firstly, the author does not cite …show more content…
This article has to maintain a consistent position on the argument on the use of solitary confinement in prisons. The article begins by presenting the use of solitary confinement as “confinement can violate the prohibition against cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and may even amount to torture” (Ireland). The article has positioned itself against the use of solitary confinement, drawing quotes from multiple sources, explaining the many negative consequences solitary confinement can have on inmates, especially those with mental illness. The article then takes a shift towards the side of the opposition, presenting the argument, “Canadians expect violent criminals to serve sentences which reflect the severity of their crimes” (Ireland). A good article benefits from presenting the opposition’s side of the argument, however, the author of “Half of inmates have been in solitary confinement: Canada's prison watchdog”, has failed to bring the focus back to her main argument. The author has simply presented the oppositions argument, and concluded the article stating that solitary confinement should be used, but simply have limits. The article come to no true conclusion, and leaves the reader with the final thought that solitary confinement is an acceptable use of punishment in the correctional system. The inconsistency of the author’s argument, renders this article

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