The most important thing the mothers used to worry about is how they can provide healthy life for their children. Therefore, the appropriate and healthy food is one of the most important things they try to make it available. They usually start that during pregnancy period. After that, they begin to think how to feeding their infant and provide all the nutrients that they need. Many mothers around the world depend on feeding their infant by their breast milk while many others used artificial milk. However, they have to think that the first thousand day of the age is the most important days that affect the rest of the person life. Therefore, these days have to be the healthiest days.
The importance of breastfeeding
There are many benefits from breastfeeding whether for the baby or for the mother. Therefore, many health organizations recommend the mothers to not prevent this right for their children. Also, the mothers benefit from breastfeeding whether for their body health or for their emotion health.
The benefits of breastfeeding for the baby:
1. Early breast milk or the “Colostrum, the yellowish, sticky breast milk produced at the end of pregnancy” (liquid gold) full of nutrients and antibodies
2. Easier to digest than the artificial milk because of the breast milk components.
3. Reduced risk of stomach upsets like chronic constipation, colic, and others.
4. Reduced risk of childhood diabetes and obesity, also it reduces the risk of tooth decay and the risk for vitamin E and Iron deficiency anemia.
5. Increased bone density
6. It develops the baby’s emotion and spirit
The benefits of breastfeeding for the mother :
1. Reducing the breast cancer risk by about 25 percent, where the more times the women breastfeed during her life the less risk to have breast cancer.
2. Reducing the uterine and ovarian cancer risk.
3. Reducing the osteoporosis because the women who doesn’t breastfeeding are more likely to suffer
References: what are the vitamins in Breast Milk. (n.d.). Retrieved Dec 12, 2012, from 7 Ways Breastfeeding Benefits Mothers. (n.d.). Retrieved Dec 15, 2012, from ask dr sears: SCHRECK, S. (2009, Jul. 16). E. sakazakii infection from powdered infant formula: Know the risks. Retrieved Dec. 20, 2012, from food poison journal: Sterken, E. (2002). Risk of Feeding. Canada: INFACT Canada/IBFAN. The Importance of Minerals. (n.d.). Retrieved Dec 20, 2012, from ronesca: The Only Water Source Young Infants Need. (n.d.). Retrieved Dec 21, 2012, from link a ges project: Victoria, C. N. (2012, Apr.). Breastfeeding - when to start. Retrieved Dec. 17, 2012, from better health: What 's in Breast Milk? (n.d.). Retrieved Dec 20, 2012, from american pregnancy: WHO. (n.d.). Breastfeeding. Retrieved Dec. 2, 2012, from WHO: Your questions answered. (2005, Nov. 2). Retrieved Dec. 20, 2012, from baby milk action: