To prevent and to control the spread of infection is primary in the health care settings. It begins by believing that everybody is very much infectious therefore, its everybody's responsibility to prevent and control the spread of infection. Healthcare workers have a guidelines on how to prevent and control the spread of infection when providing care for all hospitalised individuals in healthcare. Workplaces are obliged under the Occupational health and safety Act (2004) to provide a safe work place by training the staff the infection control procedures, instructing them to use the right equipment or techniques to prevent infections from spreading over. Every health worker plays a big role to minimise the transmission of infection by following the workplace infection control procedures. Standard precaution, additional precaution, sharp safety, exposure policy, staff vaccination, single use policy and waste management policy are a principle that break the chain of infection. This essay outlines the concept of occupational health and the control measure implemented to prevent such infection.
Berman et all. (2012) states that Standard precaution is work practice required technique to be used by healthcare workers to minimise the spread of micro-organism. Standard precaution includes good hand hygiene, the use of personal protective equipment(PPE), appropriate handling and disposal of sharps and other contaminate waste, and use of aseptic techniques. Berman et all. (2012) describes that hygiene is widely recognised to be the single most effective activity for minimising the transmission of infections.An inappropriate techniques when washing hands can lead the areas of the hands to still be contaminated by micro-organisms therefor, its very important to adopt the right technique. The australian guidelines for infection control in