Infections in the Workplace Professor Taylor Smith HCA 250 What is an infection? An infection is the invasion of a host organism 's bodily tissues by disease-causing organisms, their multiplication, and the reaction of host tissues to these organisms and the toxins they produce.( Infection." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 03 June 2014. Web. 09 Mar. 2014.) Infections can happen anywhere from the workplace to home. When you think about germs and infections, you most likely think about hospitals and clinics because that is where most Americans go when they are sick and most people who are sick tend to have some kid of infection in there body. Lets take a look at a scenario, where infections are on a high and they must find a way to control there infections. A group of nursing home administrators, which includes an infection control officer, has noticed increasing rates of infection at the nursing home. Infection rates must be kept as low as possible. High infection rates can result in serious complications for patients. A nursing home that continues to have high infection rates is at risk for fines. The nursing home administrators are meeting to discuss possible ways to reduce infection at their facility. Well the first decision approach is to identify the problem. This has already been done by the infection control officer and the rest of the administrators. It is very important to identify the problem at hand because you need to know how you are going to solve the issue. Next, we have to finds ways to minimize the problem at hand. We need to get this infection rate down because , number one we are putting our patients at risk for infection, as well as our employees and guest that come to the nursing home. Plus, the more infections we have in the nursing home, the more we will be fined and lose money, and could
References: Infection." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 03 June 2014. Web. 09 Mar. 2014.