1. Stance Phase
2. Preparatory Phase; Wind up and Cocking
3. Movement Phase; Acceleration
4. Movement Phase; Deceleration
5. Follow through Phase
Depending on what position you play varies the stance position. For instance, an infielder
have their knees almost fully flexed, their butts low to the ground and their glove in the dirt ready for anything to happen. An outfielder stands up more straight than an infielder with their knees flexed a little less than an infielder, feet a little more than shoulder width apart, standing on the balls of their feet ready to run in any direction. They’re in lumbar flexion and their glove is in front …show more content…
Also, since the distance is shorter there’s an increase risk in contact with other players even on your own team.
For softball endurance, quickness and agility is very important. To help improve agility and quickness doing ladder drills can really help. For batting, bump up the pitching machine speed a little faster than normal. One thing you don’t think about is how important strategy is. There are many different situations that can happen in a game and you have to know what to do if the ball is hit to and what to do if it doesn’t and what to do if it gets by you. To make sure you know what to do in any situation have your coach set up the team in game situation and have your coach hit the ball to you guys without telling you where he or she is going to hit it. Give situations such as, 2 outs runners on first and third, to get you thinking.
Luckily for pitchers there isn’t as much stress on their shoulders and elbows since they throw under hand and it’s a much more natural movement. For other fielders it’s important to keep your shoulder, elbow, and even your wrist strong to prevent injuries and decrease the risk of an injury. Most injuries in softball occur in the lower extremity. Also the …show more content…
A player should do 3 sets of 10-15 reps, 5 days a week, of multiple different leg workouts. Do machines such as the seated leg press, the leg curl, glute machine, hip abduction, assisted squat press, leg extension, and doing lunges. The amount of weight depends on what the player can handle. It’s important to make sure they aren’t over doing it as that can cause injuries. To increase strength even more, the player can do each leg machine one leg at a time to make sure they are both being worked.
When using 2 legs one leg can be doing more work than the other. For conditioning ladders is a great exercise and it will also increase agility.
Additional to the machines, push ups, sit ups, etc players should be doing 10 minutes of cardio to start their workout. Also they
should be stretching the muscles they will be working on before the start of workouts. To improve endurance further, athletes should be doing one day of cardio each week such as sprints, ladders, running a timed mile, shuffling cone to cone, ski jumps, and other workouts like the ones listed.