Zoha Siddique
Forman Christian College University
Since Pakistan came into being, it’s going through hard times. From newly born country to getting sixty four year old country, sometimes it has given sacrifices and sometimes remained victim of inapt political system. For the long time, it is facing number of challenges and conspiracies which has weakened its foundations and so is the structure. Therefore, many social and economic evils have taken birth in the lap of Pakistan; with the passage of time, the roots are getting deep hold. Every citizen of an independent nation has a right over basic necessities of life but unfortunately, Pakistani nation is deprived. It has been facing multiple challenges like inflation, unemployment and poverty which are continued source of concern. Inflation is a persistent increase in general price level over given period of time; whereas unemployment can be defined as number of people who are willing and able to work but do not find jobs and poverty is deprivation from basic necessities and well being. The multi dimensional facets of poverty are spread all over the Pakistan. Increasing crime rate and diminishing moral and ethical values is the product of inflation, unemployment and poverty. All these three evils are so much closely linked that presence of one drag the other two in. During past few years, the ferocious impact has immensely disturbed the social and economic conditions of Pakistan. Being a developing country, these issues are center of attention for every citizen; the concern of every common man moves around food, clothing and shelter. People of Pakistan (horses of global race) are so much puzzled up that they cannot think beyond it in this 21st century. Unfortunately, these very basic necessities are not in reach of lower class and they are supposed to face poverty where they cannot afford quality education for their children
References: Memon Habib Shoaib, 2011, Highlights of Economic Survey of Pakistan-2011, Retrieved from http://pakteahouse.net/2011/06/20/highlights-of-the-economic-survey-of-pakistan-2011/ [Accessed on 19 January 2012] Ehsan Rafia, n.d, Inflation Impact on Economy, Retrieved from http://pakistantimes.net/pt/detail.php?newsId=12410 [Accessed on 19 January 2012] Gillani Mahmood Yasir Syed, Rehman Ur Hafiz, Gill Rasheed Abid, n.d, Unemployment, Poverty, Inflation and Crime Nexus: Cointegration and Causality Analysis of Pakistan, Journal: Pakistan Economic and Social Review Volume 47, No. 1 (Summer 2009), pp. 79-98, Retrieved from http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/pesr/currentissues/5%20YASIR%20Employment%20Poverty%20Inflation%20n%20Crime%20Nexus.pdf [Accessed 0n 19 January 2012]