In today’s culture we can easily influence each other in our society because of the advance in knowledge and media. Celebrities and Parents play significant parts in influencing people. Discussing the similarities and differences of the influence from celebrities and influence of parents, it’s clear that they share similarities in choices of lifestyle, effectiveness through imitation, and qualities of influence. They contrast each other in that they differ in physical distance, free will, and all aspects of life in which they contribute to.
Parental Influence
Growing up as a child, we are always told by our parents to understand right from wrong. Parents play a large role in children’s live emotionally and socially. The more a parent interacts with a child could have a greater impact on how the child succeeds in life. Take for example, a girl that has grown up seeing her mom abused will tend to bring that type of behavior into her own relationships as well. Either she will let the abuse happen or she will become the abuser. In her mind it will become the norm for her life. Until she gets the help she deserves, she will maintain this for the rest of her life.
When it comes to emotions, children are capable of having the similar emotions just like their parents. Whether it is happy or sad, the child will react the same way. If a parent is stressed out or worried the child can sense the stress and become anxious. It’s hard to do, but parents should keep their adult stress to themselves so that the child can have a stress free, healthier life.
According to Halloran, Ross, and Carey (2002) children often imitate their parents’ actions, especially in riskier behaviors, such as smoking and drinking. Such behaviors are dangerous and because the child is observing them, the child will think it’s ok.
“Additionally, maternal mood swings or anxiety disorders may be associated with child social withdrawal or
References: Halloran, E.C., Ross, G.J.,& Carey, M.P. (2002, Spring). The relationship of adolescent personality and family environment to psychiatric diagnosis. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 32 (3), 201-216 Gerhold, M., Laucht, M., Texdorf, C., & Schmidt, M.H. (2002, Summer). Early mother-infant interactions as a precursor to childhood social withdrawal. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 32 (4), 277-293.