1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Communication has crucial impacts within or among workgroups in any organization. Communication can be a channel to flow information, resources, and even policies. Communication has crucial impacts within or among work groups in that organizational. Communication is a channel to flow information, resources, and even policies. Organizational communication can be broadly defined as communication with one another in the context of an organization (Eisenberg & Goodall, 1997; Shockley-Zalabak, 2006).This type of communication, in turn, includes activities of sending and receiving messages through various layers of authority, using various message systems, and discussing various topics of interest to the group we belong to or the company we work for. Organizational communication research has mainly been conducted both in the business management field and in the communication field; however, researchers in the public administration field have provided little knowledge about organizational communication. Several studies emphasize that effective communication can enhance organizational outcomes (Garnett, Marlowe, & Pandey, 2008; Pandey & Garnett, 2006). Communication can influence on the perceptions and opinions about persons, communities, organizations, governments, and even society. One of the outcomes of administrative communication is related to the flow of information, regulations, policies, and procedures. Communication is essential to any kind of organization and information plays a crucial role in effective communication. Theory on organizational communication has evolved from the concept as a tool of management designed to facilitate task completion and as such was to operate as one of many organizational variables (Shockley-Zalabak, 2006). As a tool of management, communication is “the central means by which individual activity is coordinated to devise, disseminate, and pursue organizational
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