Testosterone is a steroid hormone from the androgen group in almost all kind of animal. Also, testosterone is the hormone that produced by testis and prostate. An animal test by the three researchers from the University of Texas suggested the ingredient in marijuana so called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) has significant impacts on testosterone. Those researchers prepared four mice on both experiment and control groups, and then they inject liquid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on the experiment group. All four mice’s testosterone level and other sex hormone has increase significantly and instantly. Their testosterone level has increase six times more than normal and it continuous for around 20 minutes. However, after 20 minutes their testosterone level has drop significantly and lower than the control group (Todd, 2002). Under the normal sexual stimulation, it usually takes about 20 minutes to luteinizing hormone to be produced, and travel to the tests to produce testosterone. After the researchers injected the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) into the mice, the brain senses shut down instantly and the adequate level of sex hormone has been reached to the point. Consequently, those four mice’s testosterone increase and their sexual response have increase as well. However, this effect is only temporarily. The hormonal level went back to normal after a short period of time (Todd, 2008). This …show more content…
Marijuana makes two partners have more satisfaction sexual intercourse. Sex after smoking marijuana increases the technical aspect of sex. Many smokers have claimed that their stamina, skills, tactile sensation, and climax of orgasm have increase after smoking marijuana. For instance, many women claim that her genital become more sensitive and have the ability to pay attention to the technical aspect of lovemaking (Weller, 1984). Secondly, marijuana has to distort the time sense. After smoking marijuana, many have experience the longer orgasm. Consequently, both experience a satisfying sex (Weller,