In this paper, an analysis will be made about the innovative leader Vineet Nayar, a former CEO of HCLT. This paper examines and describes his leadership techniques within his organizations. In this paper, I will analyze the global trends that influenced the need for Nayar to create a more innovative organization. Also, this paper will introduce the five discovery skills and assess Nayar’s use of them as an innovative leader within his organization. Lastly, I will make recommendations for improvement on use of the discovery skills.
Factors in the global environment that influenced Nayar's need to create a more innovative organization In the article A Maverik CEO Eplains How He Persuaded His Team to Leap into the Future, Vineet Nayar was the president of the Delhi-based IT service provider, HCL Technologies. In 2005, Nayar noticed that his company was losing market share and mindshare. He also noticed that his competitors were becoming more enhanced at substantial rates each year. According to Nayar, a global organization is one that inverts the pyramid of the organizational structure and is more entrepreneurial (2013). Nayar traveled to locations around the world and had meetings with senior managers where he would listen to their ideas; they would talk honestly, and face the truth. According to Nayar, “This method enabled people to see that a change has to be made.” This technique came to be called Mirror Mirror.
Nayar's use of the five discovery skills and how he used those skills to create an innovative organization According to The DNA of Innovators, “… an organization’s success varies systematically throughout the business life cycle. The discovery skills are most prominent in the early phases of a businesses life cycle (Dyer, Gregersen, and Christensen 2011). The five discovery skills are associating, questioning, observing, networking and experimenting. Associating, as Dyer, Gregerson, & Christensen (2011) stated, “happens as
References: Dyer, J., Gregersen, H., & Christensen, C.M. (2011). The Innovator 's DNA: mastering the five skills of disruptive innovators. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press Nayar, V. (2010). A Maverick CEO Explains How He Persuaded His Team to Leap into the Future. Harvard Business Review, 110-113.