The flu shot produces the best way to reduce everyone 's chances of getting the influenza virus, but previous research has shown that it does in fact cause all sorts of different side effects. The flu shot does not always prevent the virus. Sometimes it can even cause harmful side effects. Each year the flu shot affects ten to twenty percent of the US population, and over one hundred thousand people are hospitalized including twenty thousand deaths (Marshall). People should not receive the flu shot because it can causes side effects.
Most people who receive flu shots acquire the common side effects. said, "About 5 to 10 % of people have mild side effects such as headache or low-grade …show more content…
fever for about a day after vaccination."(Does) The low grade fevers maybe an offshoot symptom of GBS or Meningitis coming from the flu vaccination (NATIONAL). Other side effects include fatigue, muscle aches, and soreness, the most common effect on the vaccination site. (Important) The symptom severity can alter in different people. Studies done in said, "Young, healthy adults generally recover from the flu within a week and are fine. However, for those who are older or have other medical problems, the flu can be a life-threatening illness." (Brochert)
Polyneuritis defines as inflammation of many or all of the peripheral nerves.
(Polyneuritis) showed that polyneuritis could occur when given the flu vaccination. This side effect may occur in hands or feet, and sometimes with paralytic symptoms. Some symptoms include tingling or altered sensation in affected area, and affected respiration. The recovery period is not short either. Complete recovery can take up to six months. (Acute) Paul, a person who was diagnosed with polyneuritis, explains of how he was treated, "a Doctor came round who said I had 'polyneuritis ' and they encased me, as I am today, in splints. [...] I lay there for about seven months, and I was in a wheelchair." …show more content…
One of the worst side effects of the flu vaccination is the Guillain-Barre Syndrome, otherwise known as GBS.
GBS is a disorder in which the body 's immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system (NATIONAL). Symptoms of this disorder include weakness or tingling sensations in the legs. Sometimes the weakness goes up to the upper body. These symptoms often worsen and eventually cause muscles not to work, making the body almost fully paralyzed. Research done in The Shepards Purse states that, "31% of cases were over 60 years old, 11% were under 30 years of age, and 58% were between 30 and 59." This shows that most people who received GBS were middle aged, and that younger aged people have a better chance of not getting GBS.(Important)
The flu vaccination is proven to help prevent the influenza virus, but side effects occur in some instances. There are four years of evidence adding up to the fact that flu shots do in fact give side effects. Getting the flu, for most healthy individuals is not very serious. The harmful side effects of the flu vaccination are not worth getting trying to prevent it.
"Important Info about the Dangers of Flu Shots." URL:
National Institutes of Health. "NINDS Guillain-Barre Syndrome Information Page."
URL: (7 July 2001).
Brochert, Adam "The Flu Shot: Who Needs It And Why" URL: (20 October 2000)
Paul. "Paul 's Story". URL: (April 2002)
"Does The Flu Shot Cause Side Effects?" URL: