Information Technology Milestones Worksheet
Complete the chart below. Include a minimum of 10 information technology milestones or events involving technology that impacted human services, such as the Amber Alert.
Milestone or Event
Impact on Human Services
Amber Alerts
Provides an online integrated national database for missing children
Initiates a widespread alert when a child goes missing
The Americans with Disabilities Act
Makes it illegal to discriminate against disabled people in terms of employment opportunity in businesses with more than 15 employees.
The National Association of Social Workers
Center for Social Policy and Practice is established to coordinate the exchange of information, education, and policy formulation pertaining to social work and social welfare in the United States.
The National Association of Social Workers
(NASW) establishes the National Peer Review Advisory Committee and trains social workers to evaluate the work of other social workers to promote accountability and to meet quality control requirements of government and third-party funding organizations.
Welfare reform under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act was enacted.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was enacted.
The State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) was created, enabling states to extend health coverage to more uninsured children.
The Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act
The Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 was signed, making it possible for millions of Americans with disabilities to join the workforce without fear of losing their Medicaid and Medicare coverage. It also modernized the employment services system for people with disabilities.
Initiative to combat bioterrorism was launched.
Medicaid & Medicare
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid was created, replacing the Health Care Financing Administration.
HHS responds to the nation’s first bioterrorism attack -- delivery of anthrax through the mail.
The McKinney Act
The JOBS program and federal support for child care was created.
The McKinney Act was passed to provide health care to the homeless.
Foster Care & Adoption
Federal funding provided to states for foster care and adoption assistance.
Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act was signed into law, putting in place comprehensive U.S. health insurance reforms.