Informal assessment provides us with immediate feedback during the teaching session, allowing us to improve our teaching, both spontaneously and later upon reflection.
Informal assessment at its most informal is a way of evaluating “how things are going” during a lesson, and at its most formal can point out needs for future assessment, and give you a strong sense of the learning culture of your students states Radcliff C (2007).
When teaching, I am continuously assessing learning, using a wide range of both formal and informal methods and resources. Q&A is one of the most used during both practical and theory sessions to determine the level and depth of understanding and knowledge. Quizzes and games are another popular way of checking informally as the results of such could and should change, and allow for, adaptation of the next teaching session.
During a session recently, with a group whom I am relatively still new to, I was informed that all students were on top of all work in a specified unit. Well, although these students had been given their theory input on a certain area, only 60% of them actually were confident in their knowledge. Finding this out during my teaching session, by way of a quiz and discussion, allowed me to adapt my lesson plan for that day and ensure all students leaving at four o’clock were on top of all knowledge and ready for their formal written examination the following week.
I have enclosed copies of some informal assessment methods that we are currently using during teaching, as well as evidence of formal methods.
Radcliff ,C.(2007)A practical guide to information literacy assessment for academic librarians. Google books. [Online] available at:
References: Radcliff ,C.(2007)A practical guide to information literacy assessment for academic librarians. Google books. [Online] available at: