According to the United States Workforce Investment (2015), information literacy can be defined as an individual’s ability to learn how to read, write, evaluate and use information accordingly to solve problems as an independent learner (Welsh & Wright 2010). However, we can say Information literacy creates some basis of lifelong learning and also helps people when they need a particular information.
The use of Technology has increased rapidly around the world, especially in the last few years. In the world today, people now use the new forms of modern technologies like computers, cell phones and many other advanced technology in their day to day life. The information age is dramatically changing people’s daily activities and …show more content…
The role that Google plays in society now is constantly increasing as it provides numerous service across the world and even making life more convenient for millions of users. Google has changed the way people live and interact with others. It has also changed the way people access and use information by making life easier and less time consuming. With knowledge retrieval able on the internet, it has made users not able to go beyond their knowledge skills for answers (Emerald insight, 2016). It has now become people’s collective global memory. Previously, people use to visit public libraries, read books, or watch news for information, but now, people are using Google as their search engine to get information as it is easier (Hilis et al. 2012). People have become so less reliant on their memory which is having a great impact on their knowledge. With the introduction of digitalized technology, communication through emails and video calls have now become more rampant. They can search for any imaginable thing at the tip of their fingers. However, jobs have also been created by the way of the internet. Because of all these reasons above Google has become people’s number one stop for retrieving information which will continue to alter their way of …show more content…
Firstly, Shirky refers to the many-to-many communication that has become a norm among people through the notion of the media landscape as compared to 20 years back when communication was just based on one to many pattern such as television, radio, magazines, and books. Secondly, the way the internet is becoming the mode of carriage for all other forms of communication including the media. Newspapers, books and radio stations can be accessed online. The media is increasing rapidly in less source of information and it is increasing the site of coordination, because people that see or hear this information gather it and explain to each other with deep understanding (Fuch 2014). Finally, Shirky (2009) also emphasized on how producers cannot be passive any more that now we are all producers and not just consumers. The objects that people consume are the same objects that let them produce and share media. The rise in producer consumers stands for an important shift away from professional to amateur media producers (Fuchs 2014). Thus, with the huge change in communication now, social media will continue to change the